মামলার স্তর বা পর্যায় না জানার কারণে মামলাকারীরা আদালতে এলে বিভিন্ন হয়রানির শিকার হতে হয়। সেজন্য প্রতিটি ব্যক্তির জন্য একটি মামলার বিভিন্ন পর্যায় জানা অপরিহার্য। কেস দুই প্রকার। ফৌজদারী মামলা ও দেওয়ানী মামলা। দেওয়ানি মামলা ফৌজদারি মামলার চেয়ে জটিল।
দেওয়ানী কার্যবিধি, 1908-এর ধারা 9 অনুযায়ী, দেওয়ানী প্রকৃতির একটি মামলা মানে একটি মামলা যখন মামলার মূল প্রশ্নটি সম্পত্তি বা শিরোনামের সাথে সম্পর্কিত। অর্থাৎ, যেখানে একজন নাগরিকের অধিকার ও দায়িত্বের প্রশ্ন জড়িত, সেখানে এর লঙ্ঘন একটি নাগরিক প্রকৃতির মামলার জন্ম দেয়।
আপনি যখন একটি দেওয়ানী মামলার জন্য একজন আইনজীবীর কাছে যান, আপনি যদি জানেন যে আইনজীবী শুরু থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত কী করেন, বা আপনার মামলাটি কোন পর্যায়ে যায়, বা পরে এটি কোন পর্যায়ে যায়, তাহলে আপনার পক্ষে মামলা পরিচালনা করা সহজ হবে। . ধরুন আপনি দেওয়ানী মামলা নিয়ে উকিলের কাছে যান। এখন আমরা ক্রমাগত জানতে পারব উল্লিখিত মামলা দায়েরের ক্ষেত্রে কী হবে।
১।আইনজীবীকে প্রয়োজনীয় কাগজপত্র দিন
আপনি যদি একজন আইনজীবীর কাছে দেওয়ানী মামলা নিয়ে যান, তাহলে আপনাকে মামলা/মোকদ্দমা সংক্রান্ত সমস্ত নথি আইনজীবীর কাছে সরবরাহ করতে হবে। একজন আইনজীবী আপনাকে এই ক্ষেত্রে সাহায্য করবে। আইনজীবী আপনাকে বলবেন কী কী নথির প্রয়োজন। মনে রাখবেন আপনিই সত্যের মালিক।
অর্থাৎ, আপনি সবচেয়ে ভালোভাবে জানেন। আইনজীবী আপনার মামলার বিষয়ে কিছুই জানেন না। এজন্য আপনাকে প্রকৃত ঘটনা সম্পর্কে আইনজীবীকে অবহিত করতে হবে। আর উকিল হল মাস্টার অফ ল বা আইনের মাস্টার। তিনি আপনার কাছ থেকে ঘটনা জেনে আইন অনুযায়ী ব্যবস্থা করবেন। শৈল্পিক ফর্ম দিন.
২। দেওয়ানী মামলার আরজি লিখন
মামলার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় নথি সরবরাহ করার পরে, আইনজীবীর দায়িত্ব আপনার মামলা লিখতে হবে। যে আইনজীবী আপনার মামলা লিখবেন তাকে আরজি বলে। আপনি আইনজীবীকে যে ইভেন্টগুলি বলেছেন সেগুলি আইনজীবী সংগঠিত করবেন এবং লিখে রাখবেন। আরজি লেখার পর, আইনজীবী যথাযথভাবে আরজিকে পাওয়ার অফ অ্যাটর্নি, প্রয়োজনীয় কোর্ট ফি, প্রসেস ফি এবং মামলার প্রয়োজনীয় নথির ফটোকপির সাথে আবদ্ধ করবেন। তারপর RG এবং পাওয়ার অফ অ্যাটর্নিতে আপনার স্বাক্ষর নিন। এখন মামলা দায়েরের জন্য প্রস্তুত।
৩। মামলা দায়ের করা
আরজি প্রস্তুত হওয়ার পরে, আপনার আইনজীবী যে আদালতে মামলাটি দায়ের করা হবে সেই আদালতের সংশ্লিষ্ট প্রধান বিচারপতির কাছে আরজি জমা দেবেন। অতঃপর দেওয়ানী আদালতের প্রধান বিচারপতি বা তার অনুপস্থিতিতে প্রধান বিচারপতি হিসেবে কর্মরত কর্মচারী মামলার আবেদন গ্রহণ করবেন এবং উপযুক্ত হলে মামলার ফাইলিং নম্বর RG বা অর্ডার শীটে বা এর সাথে সংযুক্ত স্লিপে লিখবেন। এছাড়া মামলার পক্ষের নাম, মামলা, মামলার সালসহ মামলার নম্বর ইত্যাদি মামলা দায়েরের রেজিস্টারে নথিভুক্ত করুন। আপনার মামলা হয়েছে। যাইহোক, মনে রাখতে হবে যে সেরেস্তাদার যদি মনে করেন যে আরজি ফিরিয়ে দেওয়া উচিত বা প্রত্যাখ্যান করা উচিত, সেরেস্তাদার তা বিচারকের কাছে উল্লেখ করবেন। বিচারক আইন অনুসারে প্রয়োজনীয় ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করবেন (C.R.O, Vol-I, Rule-55)। যদি কোনো কারণে আবেদনটি সঠিকভাবে মূল্যায়ন না করা হয়, তাহলে পার্টিকে 21 দিনের মধ্যে এটি সংশোধন করার নির্দেশ দেওয়া হয়েছে।
৪। সমন জারী হওয়া
মামলা দায়েরের পরের ধাপে সমন জারি করা হয়। এই ধাপটি সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। কারণ মামলার সমন যথারীতি জারি না হলে মামলার কার্যক্রম শুরু হবে না। সমন জারি না হওয়ার অন্যতম কারণ হলো দীর্ঘদিন ধরে টানা মামলা। এ কারণে সমন জারির বিষয়টি আইনজীবীর সঙ্গে আলোচনা করে নেওয়া উচিত। একটি সমন জারি কিভাবে শিখতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন!
৫। আসামীর লিখিত জবাব
বিবাদীকে সাধারণ সমন জারি করার ক্ষেত্রে, বিবাদীকে মামলার ১ম শুনানির তারিখ বা তার আগে দুই মাসের মধ্যে লিখিত উত্তর দাখিল করতে হবে বা আদালত কর্তৃক অনুমোদিত হতে পারে এমন সময়ে (দেওয়ানী কার্যবিধি, আদেশ- 8, বিধি-1)। অন্যথায় মামলাটি প্রাক্তন শুনানির জন্য নির্ধারিত হবে। যাইহোক, যদি দেওয়ানী কার্যবিধির ধারা 80-এর অধীনে নোটিশ জারি না করা হয়, তাহলে সরকারের কাছে তার উত্তর দাখিলের জন্য 3 মাস সময় থাকবে। যদি বিবাদী তার দাবির সমর্থনে কোনো নথির উপর নির্ভর করে, তাহলে সে সেই নথিগুলি পিটিশনের সঙ্গে ফাইল করবে।
৬। মামলার প্রথম শুনানিতেই নিষ্পত্তি হয়
প্রথম শুনানির তারিখে, আদালত দেখতে পায় যে মামলার পক্ষের মধ্যে স্বার্থের কোন বিরোধ নেই এবং তা অবিলম্বে নিষ্পত্তি করে। সেক্ষেত্রে মামলা করার সুযোগ নেই।
৭। ইস্যু গঠন
মামলার প্রথম শুনানির তারিখ বা উত্তর দাখিল করার তারিখ থেকে 15 দিনের মধ্যে ইস্যুটি তৈরি করতে হবে, যেটি পরে হয় (সিভিল প্রসিডিউর কোড আদেশ-14, বিধি-1)। বিতর্কিত বিষয়গুলির বিষয়বস্তু থেকে ইস্যুগুলি গঠন করা হবে যার ভিত্তিতে মামলা নিষ্পত্তি করা হবে।
৮। উদঘাটন ও পরিদর্শন
ইস্যুটি তৈরি হওয়ার 10 দিনের মধ্যে, বাদী বা বিবাদী আদালতের অনুমতি নিয়ে অন্য পক্ষের কাছে লিখিত প্রশ্ন জমা দিতে পারে। যাইহোক, একটি পক্ষ শুধুমাত্র একবার একটি লিখিত প্রশ্ন দায়ের করতে পারে (সিভিল প্রসিডিউর কোড আদেশ-11, বিধি-8)।
৯। ধারা 30 দ্বারা
এই ধারায় উল্লিখিত শর্তাবলী এবং সীমাবদ্ধতা সাপেক্ষে, আদালত যে কোনো সময় তার নিজস্ব উদ্যোগে বা কোনো পক্ষের আবেদনের ভিত্তিতে- কোনো জিজ্ঞাসাবাদ বা জিজ্ঞাসাবাদের উত্তর, তথ্য বা ঘটনার স্বীকার্যতা এবং আবিষ্কার, পরিদর্শন, নথি বা অন্যান্য বিষয় যা সাক্ষ্য হিসাবে ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে, আটক এবং প্রত্যাবর্তন সম্পর্কিত যেকোন আদেশ আদালত কর্তৃক উপযুক্ত মনে করা যেতে পারে৷ আদালত সাক্ষ্য দিতে বা উপরোক্ত নথিপত্র উপস্থাপনের জন্য যে কোনো ব্যক্তির উপস্থিতি প্রয়োজন তাকেও সমন জারি করতে পারে এবং কোনো ঘটনার হলফনামায় সাক্ষ্য দেওয়ার আদেশ দিতে পারে।
১০। চূড়ান্ত শুনানীর তারিখ নির্ধারণ (এস. ডি)
মামলার চূড়ান্ত শুনানির তারিখ ইস্যু গঠনের 120 দিনের মধ্যে স্থির করতে হবে (সিভিল প্রসিডিউর কোড আদেশ-14, বিধি-8)।
১১। চূড়ান্ত শুনানী
চূড়ান্ত শুনানীর (পি. এইচ) তারিখ হতে ১২০ দিনের মধ্যে মামলার শুনানী শেষ করতে হয় (দেওয়ানী কার্যবিধি আদেশ১৮, বিধি-১৯)। চূড়ান্ত শুনানী (পি. এইচ) ও পরবর্তী চূড়ান্ত শুনানী (এফ. পি. এইচ বা পার্ট হার্ড) পর্য্যায়ে বিচারক জবানবন্দী, জেরা, দলিলাদি গ্রহণ এবং যুক্তিতর্ক শুনবেন।
১২। রায় ঘোষণা
মামলার শুনানি শেষে আদালত ৭ দিনের মধ্যে রায় ঘোষণা করবেন (সিভিল প্রসিডিউর কোড আদেশ-২০, বিধি-১১)।
১৩। ডিক্রি প্রদান
রায় ঘোষণার তারিখ থেকে 7 দিনের মধ্যে ডিক্রি দিতে হবে (সিভিল প্রসিডিউর অর্ডার-20, বিধি-5)। এছাড়াও মামলার যে কোনো পর্যায়ে পক্ষগণ পিটিশন, সংশোধিত উত্তর, অস্থায়ী নিষেধাজ্ঞার জন্য আদালতে যেতে পারেন। , স্থানীয় পরিদর্শন এবং স্থানীয় তদন্ত. মামলার উত্তর দাখিল করার পর, বিবাদকারী পক্ষগুলি যে কোনো সময় আদালতে বা আদালতের বাইরে সৌহার্দ্যপূর্ণ মীমাংসার জন্য মধ্যস্থতার জন্য বসতে পারে। দেওয়ানী কার্যবিধির ধারা 89(a) অনুসারে আপস নিষ্পত্তি বলা হয়, যা ক. D. হিসাবেও পরিচিত
রায় এবং ডিক্রি পাশ হওয়ার পর, আপনি রায় এবং ডিক্রির সত্যায়িত সত্য অনুলিপি এবং আদালতের অনুমতি নিয়ে আদালতে দায়ের করা আসল নথিগুলি সরিয়ে ফেলুন।
Obtaining a trade license is an important requirement when setting up a business in Bangladesh. It is very important to ensure that your commercial activities are in full compliance with the law and have the required approvals. This guide provides a thorough examination of the trade licensing process in Bangladesh and the associated costs.
Understanding trade licenses
Definition and Purpose
A company is authorized to engage in activities within a specific territory for the purpose of doing business when it obtains a trade license, which is an official authorization granted by an administrative authority.
This authorization allows the company to conduct commercial operations within the region. This authorization is presently in the hands of the respective companies. The most important objective is to ensure that each and every economic activity is in compliance with all the fundamental legal and regulatory standards that are currently in place. This is the most important goal.
Local Government Authority
In order for a company to get a trade license, it is required to submit a request for approval to the local government agency that is responsible for the territory in which the company is situated. In order to get a business license, you are necessary to have this permission.
When referring to municipal or city corporations in Bangladesh, this term is often used as a synonym for the local administration. In other words, the phrase is used interchangeably.
Steps in the Trade License Process
Application Submission
The first thing that has to be done in order to complete the process is to submit a detailed application for a business license. With this, we will get started with the process. While you are going through the process of applying for the position, you will be required to provide information that is important to the company, its operations, and the location of the premises where the business will be carried out.
Document Submission
It will be important for you to be in possession of the documents that are needed in order for you to be able to give support for the application. There are a number of papers that are included in this collection of paperwork. These documents include proof of identity, evidence of domicile, a lease agreement for the company premises, and any other documents that they would want from the local authorities.
Site Inspection
It is within the authority of the local authorities to carry out a site inspection in order to validate the information that was disclosed in the application. This is really something that can be accomplished. The implementation of this approach ensures that all legal regulations, particularly those pertaining to safety and zoning, are adhered to in the right way.
Fee Payment
After the verification procedure has been successfully completed, the applicant must next pay the fees that are associated with the application for the trade license. There are a lot of factors that might potentially have an effect on the fee structure. These factors include the nature of the organization, the size of the company, and the location of the activity.
License Issuance
After all of the requirements have been met and the money that is associated with the trade license has been paid, the local government will then issue the license. The possession of this document serves as official authorization for the firm to start activities within the jurisdiction that has been selected.
Costs Associated with Trade Licenses
Fee Structure
The price of a trade license in Bangladesh is determined by a number of different criteria, such as the kind of company, the size of the firm, and the location of the facilities where the business is located. The fees may vary depending on the size of the business, whether it be small, medium, or big, as well as the sort of commercial activity being conducted.
Renewal Costs
Additionally, in addition to the payments that were initially required for the application, businesses need to be aware of the expenses that are involved with the renewal process. Trade licenses often have a validity period, which necessitates that they be renewed on a regular basis in order to guarantee that they continue to comply with the law and that they continue to enable businesses to continue their activities.
Compliance and Best Practices
Timely Renewal
It is essential that businesses make the timely renewal of their trade licenses a priority in order to avoid any potential legal issues. This will help enterprises avoid any legal concerns. The method for renewal, which is a process that is comparable to the steps that were included in the first application, often necessitates the submission of updated paperwork as well as the payment of renewal expenses.
Regulatory Updates
Stay abreast of any changes in regulations or requirements pertaining to trade licenses. Regularly liaise with local government authorities to stay informed about updates and amendments that may impact business operations.
Navigating the trade license process in Bangladesh is vital for ensuring legal authorization and compliance for business operations. By understanding the steps involved, fulfilling documentation requirements, and adhering to fee obligations, businesses can secure trade licenses efficiently and embark on their commercial endeavors within Bangladesh’s vibrant economic landscape.
In Bangladesh, all factories and enterprises are required to register with the government in accordance with the Factories Act and Rules. All factories in Bangladesh are required by law to have a factory establishment authorization.
The District Office of the Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE) is responsible for the construction, establishment, and expansion of a factory, as well as its license acquisition and renewal. It is an impartial government agency responsible for inspecting the health and safety of Bangladeshi industries and other facilities. In addition, it educates and trains factories on worker health and Bangladeshi labor law enforcement.
The government has implemented an online application service for obtaining a business license. The Labor Inspection Management Application (LIMA) is a Department of Inspection of Factories and Establishments portal that significantly simplifies the application procedure.
Documents Needed:
1.Construction layout of the plant
2.Copy of the Business License
3.Completely filled out Forms 1 and 2.
4.Articles of Association (only for Limited Companies)
5.Original license charge or renewal fee receipt or Treasury Challan
6.License Reception and Renewal Payment based on the number of employees.
The online steps for acquiring a factory establishment license are outlined below:
1.Visit the Labour Inspection Management Application website located at “https://lima.dife.gov.bd/”
2.From the top menu, select “Forms” and then Forms “76” (approving the Factory Layout Plan) and “77” (License Application).
3.Generate a Username and Password
4.Auto Login/Login to Lima Portal with the new User ID and Password.
5.Complete the application form with the required information.
6.Attach any necessary attachments
7.Save application draft or complete the application
8.File Your Application
The DIFE Licensing Authority then evaluates the application.
10.The application is then sent to DIG (Deputy inspector general of police) or IG (inspector general of police), depending on the industry.
11.DIG/IG will evaluate the application and provide feedback.
12.If necessary, the factory or establishment shall be inspected and provide an inspection report.
13.If the Licensing Authority/DIG is satisfied after all evaluation and verification, the factory license shall be issued.
14.Obtain the Manufacturer’s License
Hire the best law firm in Bangladesh to get your Factory Registration Certificate:
TAHMIDUR RAHMAN REMURA WAHID Associates provides assistance in acquiring Factory Establishment Licenses. To acquire a factory establishment license, TAHMIDUR RAHMAN REMURA WAHID can provide the following services:
TAHMIDUR RAHMAN REMURA WAHID has an excellent and capable team that can procure a license for a factory establishment. To apply for a factory license, it is first necessary to establish an account on the LIMA website. Legal professionals can initiate the application process by establishing an account on the LIMA online portal.
Supporting documents can vary depending on the sort of Factory or Establishment. The legal team of TAHMIDUR RAHMAN REMURA WAHID assists in the collection of supporting application documents, such as the NOC, Trade License/Incorporation Certificate, etc., and then prepares an application for a Factory License.
The legal specialists at TAHMIDUR RAHMAN REMURA WAHID can assist with drafting, collecting, and preparing the supporting documents. TAHMIDUR RAHMAN REMURA WAHID also makes the required government fee payments to the appropriate authority. The law firm is also considered as the Best law firm for industry in Bangladesh.
Once the application has been submitted, the status of the application can be monitored, and if the licensing authority requests additional documentation, the TAHMIDUR RAHMAN REMURA WAHID team can comply.
Forcing a Shareholder to Sell His Shares in Bangladesh: A Shareholder Being Forced to Sell His Shares
Unless there is a contractual duty giving them the right to do so, a shareholder cannot usually compel another shareholder to sell their shares. For instance, if the company’s articles of association, shareholder agreement, or another legal contract contain a clause allowing for such a transfer. Negotiating with the shareholder whose shares you wish to purchase is typically the best course of action for buying shares. Shares can be sold through a share transfer agreement, in which case the shareholders acquire the shares of the other shareholders, or through a business buy-back, in which case the shares are returned to the company.
This article provides answers to common questions posed by both majority and minority shareholders when disputes arise. It is a general guide to help you understand what factors must be considered to answer questions like:
Can a majority shareholder remove a minority shareholder?
Can a majority shareholder sell the company?
Can a minority shareholder block a sale?
Can a majority shareholder be removed?
Shares may be transferred or sold at the individual’s discretion:
First, either the transferer or the transferee must submit an application. Second, it must be fully signed, stamped, and presented to the transferee with the firm by the transferer. Thirdly, within a month of obtaining the transfer documentation for the shares, the corporation will send notices of refusal to both parties. However, since they own a majority of the stock, the pro-sale shareholders may wish to adopt a special resolution at the annual general meeting amending the company’s articles of association to add clauses requiring the sale of the shares. This sale will be regarded as a sale at fair value, and frequently the Articles of Association contain a calculation that specifies how the valuation should be determined.
Shareholders’ agreements are yet another means of accomplishing this. Although this kind of agreement is uncommon in publicly traded organizations, it is crucial and a must in privately owned businesses. That’s because minority shareholders, particularly those who want to sell or transfer their shares to outside buyers, can generate serious issues for small businesses.
A Shareholder Being Forced to Sell His Shares:
A shareholders’ agreement might stipulate specific conditions under which one person must sell shares to fellow shareholders or back to the corporation, primarily as a safeguard against potentially chaotic situations. For instance, some corporations grant the company the first option to repurchase shares that descend to an heir after a shareholder’s passing. Other agreements may compel a sale under different terms. The remuneration that the selling shareholders will receive for their shares is frequently specified in the agreement. In some instances, the money the selling shareholders would receive won’t necessarily reflect the shares’ fair market value at the time of sale, but rather, it will reflect a formula that all shareholders will have agreed upon when they first signed the agreement.
Unless there is a contractual duty giving them the right to do so, a shareholder cannot usually compel another shareholder to sell their shares. For instance, if the company’s articles of association, shareholder agreement, or another legal contract contain a clause allowing for such a transfer.
Negotiating with the shareholder:
Negotiating with the shareholder whose shares you wish to purchase is typically the best course of action for buying shares. Shares can be sold through a share transfer agreement, in which case the shareholders acquire the shares of the other shareholders, or through a business buy-back, in which case the shares are returned to the company.
A special resolution to amend the company’s Articles of Association to add clauses requiring a sale of the shares could be passed if the shareholders who want the sale to proceed hold a majority shareholding (i.e., 75% of the shares). This sale would typically be at fair market value, and frequently the Articles of Association contain a formula that specifies how the price should be determined.
A minority shareholder, however, is entitled to apply to the court and allege “unfair prejudice.” The other shareholders are typically personally sued in response to an unfair prejudice petition filed by a minority shareholder, and they will typically have to pay for their own legal defense.
When a court determines that changes to the articles of association were made in good faith and in the best interests of the business, it follows that the court did not find that the changes were unreasonably adverse to a minority shareholder. However, it is likely that the minority shareholder will be able to oppose the modification if the motivation behind modifying the Articles is unlawful and not in the best interests of the firm. If the change is done in good faith and is in the best interests of the business, it may be acceptable even if it has a negative impact on or is intended to have a negative impact on a minority shareholder.
Advantage of the modification:
The advantage of the modification for the corporation will rely on whether a reasonable person would view it as being in the company’s best interests. According to current case law, judges did not find it to be unreasonably detrimental to modify the Articles of Association to allow majority shareholders to acquire minority shares. It’s crucial to remember that these landmark instances did not introduce the rights for the first time. The majority shareholders’ goal was to clean up the Articles of Association in order to promote consistency and clarity. It is somewhat more likely that a minority shareholder would prevail in a lawsuit for unfair prejudicial behavior if such rights were being introduced for the first time.
We emphasize that the preferred course of action is nearly always to negotiate with the opposing party and avoid any such allegations being made in order to avoid litigation, particularly litigation that is launched against shareholders personally. If shareholders decide to alter the Articles of Association, they should carefully evaluate their decision and make sure it is noted in the minutes adopting the special resolution.
However, these arrangements may also be detrimental to the interests of the smaller shareholders. Thus, if minority shareholders are forcibly forced to sell their shares or deal with the hidden harm that will be done to their interests, the legislation provides a remedy. A minority shareholder can therefore appeal to the court and claim “unfair prejudice” as a result. The other shareholders are typically personally sued in response to an unfair prejudice petition filed by a minority shareholder, and they will typically have to pay for their own legal defense.
Court’s take on changes to the articles of association:
However, a court concluded that the changes to the articles of association were done in good faith and in the best interests of the business; as a result, the court did not find that the changes were unreasonably adverse to a minority shareholder. However, it is likely that the minority shareholder will be able to oppose the modification if the motivation behind modifying the Articles is unlawful and not in the best interests of the firm. If the change is done in good faith and is in the best interests of the business, it may be acceptable even if it has a negative impact on or is intended to have a negative impact on a minority shareholder.
The laws are put in place to protect the rights of both parties, but they differ according on the circumstance in order to protect the interests of those who will be most impacted. The Bangladesh Companies Act of 1994, the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Ordinance of 1969 (along with the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission Act of 1993 and the rules made thereunder), the rules of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and the Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE), as well as the Company’s Articles of Association, serve as the primary regulatory framework for business matters in Bangladesh.
Are you planning to register a private limited company in Bangladesh?
The legal team of Tahmidur Rahman, The Law Firm in Bangladesh TRW are highly experienced in providing all kinds of services related to forming and registering a Private Limited Company, Branch office Registration, Share Transfer Process in Bangladesh . For queries or legal assistance, please reach us at:
The purpose of a writ is to provide recourse for the enforcement of the law against governmental or statutory public bodies. A writ is a written document that commands or obligates a public body to do or refrain from doing something. Writ is applicable only to public entities.
In the Supreme Court case Abu-al-Siddique (Md.) vs. Bangladesh and Others, Writ Petition No. 7074 of 2012, a public body is defined as “any authority, body, corporation, or institution constituted or established by or under any law, and includes any other body, authority, or institution owned, managed, or established by the government.”
Subject to the identical grades and scales and uniform terms and conditions of service are the terms and conditions of any person holding a position in a public organization.
This scenario for applying for a writ may occur if a government body takes unjustifiable action against individuals.
Article 102 of the Constitution addresses the writ jurisdiction of the High Court Division, while Article 104 addresses that of the Appellate Division. In accordance with Article 102 of the Constitution of Bangladesh, the High Court Division may issue a variety of orders in the exercise of its writ jurisdiction.
In the first part of Clause (2) of Article 102 of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Constitution of 1972, the High Court Division is authorized to order a person carrying out functions relating to the affairs of the Republic or a local authority to refrain from doing what is prohibited by law.
Therefore, it addresses the prohibition writ, which is issued to prevent an individual from acting if the specified conditions are satisfied. The conditions are (a) a complaint filed by an aggrieved party, (b) the absence of an equally effective remedy, (c) acts committed without jurisdiction or in excess of jurisdiction, and (d) by a person performing functions related to the affairs of the public body.
(a) An application lodged by a complainant:
The prohibition writ may only be issued if it is requested by an aggrieved party. The expression “aggrieved individual” is not defined in the Constitution. Regarding the specific circumstances and circumstances of each case, the Court has determined the meaning of the expression in various instances.
As a general rule, an individual is considered an aggrieved party if he or she has a direct private interest in the subject matter of the petition. This rule applied to both individuals and groups of individuals.
As in Bangladesh, Sangbad Patra Parishad vs. Bangladesh challenged an award from the Wage Board by the association of newspaper proprietors, the High Court Division ruled, in rejecting the petition, that ‘the association had no direct private stake in the Wage Board award law.
It is not obligated to pay anything pursuant to the award to any of the entities in question; rather, it is the proprietors of the individual newspapers who must pay, and they are displeased.
(b) No equally effective treatment option exists
Before issuing any prerogative (in the form of various types of orders under Article 102 of the Constitution), the Supreme Court of Bangladesh must be satisfied that the aggrieved individual has exhausted all other similarly effective legal remedies.
If the aggrieved individual does not prefer the alternative solution and does not provide a sufficient explanation for not doing so, the individual will not be eligible for the High Court Division’s exceptional remedies in the exercise of their writ jurisdiction.
(c) Acts committed without authority or in excess of authority
No Authority may transgress the jurisdiction of the statute. Any action taken by an agency that exceeds its authority is invalid and ultra vires.
This is the case even if a portion of the law has jurisdiction and another portion does not. And the jurisdictional portion cannot be separated from the remainder without causing harm to anyone. In Abdul Khaleque vs. Court of Settlement, Kaji Shafiuddin, J. stated, “There can be no doubt that if a Tribunal or Court acts utterly without jurisdiction, its action would be null and void… If actions done with and without jurisdiction are so intertwined that action done with jurisdiction cannot be separated without prejudice to either party, then the entire action may be declared null and void.
(d) By a person executing functions related to the public body’s business
In addition to judicial and quasi-judicial bodies, administrative officials may also receive the prohibition letter. Similar to mandamus and certiorari (which will be discussed later), it can be issued against any authority, regardless of the nature of its function, if it performs functions related to the Republic or any local authority’s affairs.
The term ‘local authority’ refers to a body or individual authorized by law or the government to carry out specific administrative duties. It is allocated a portion of the government’s sovereign function. These responsibilities must be carried out for the benefit of the public. It must be an individual performing duties related to the affairs of the Republic.
Mandamus is an order or order of the court that directs a person, corporation, or inferior tribunal to perform a specific duty. When a court, tribunal, authority, or person fails to perform his statutory duty, the High Court orders the Court or person to perform his statutory duty.
The second part of clause (2) (a) (i) of Article 102 authorizes the Division of the High Court to issue instructions in the nature of mandamus writs to compel a person performing duties related to the Republic or a Local Authority to comply with the law.
The difference between mandamus and prohibition is that mandamus commands a public official to do what they are required by law to do, whereas prohibition prohibits them from doing what the law prohibits.
Similar to a prohibition, mandamus will not be granted if the aggrieved party does not submit or if there is an equally effective legal remedy available. Mandamus may assign duties to any individual in relation to the affairs of the Republic or a local authority.
Mandamus cannot be used to enforce public policy or any other matter that is not a public duty. To be eligible for a mandamus order, the petitioner must have the legal authority to perform the public duty.
In Fisherman Telekhal Progressive v. Bangladesh, the petitioner challenged the settlement of two fisheries on the grounds that the settlement was made contrary to government policy, as stated in government memorandums. The government memorandum was the dissemination of a government policy without any statutory force.
The purpose of certiorari is to oversee the superior courts’ actions and ensure they have not exceeded their jurisdiction. When certiorari is granted by the High Court Division, it is similar to a prohibition.
(a) An aggrieved person submits an application for the same
(b) no other remedy similarly efficacious is provided by law
(c) The individual to be prosecuted performs duties related to the Republic’s or local government’s affairs.
Unlike a prohibition, however, it is issued after the act or proceeding has been completed to declare that it was carried out without legal authority and without legal effect. While a prohibition is issued to prevent the act or proceeding when it is incomplete and more must be prevented, certiorari is issued when the act or proceeding is complete.
Writ of Corpus
In accordance with clause (2) (b) (i) of Article 102 of the Bangladesh Constitution of 1972, the High Court Division is authorized to order that a detainee be brought before him to ensure that he is not being held without legal authority or unlawfully.
Habeas Corpus is a writ that is issued to protect liberty, especially liberty that is regarded as crucial. It is conferred against unlawful detention or deportation by the police authority. Habeas Corpus is a type of court order that directs the authorities to hold an individual in detention until he or she is brought to court. The authorities must then explain why he is being detained.
If the explanation is inadequate, the court may order the release of the individual. Habeas corpus is thus a means of ensuring the subject’s liberty.
This individual must hold a government position. A public office implies a constitutional office or a law pertinent to the affairs of the Republic or a local authority. It will only be awarded when a government official has a public duty under the law and refuses to fulfill it. It could be administrative, quasi-judicial, or judicial.
Thus, the writing of habeas corpus lies when an individual is apprehended without lawful authority or in an illegitimate manner. If the law requiring imprisonment is unconstitutional or invalid, or if the law is valid but the order is illegitimate or exceeds its authority, the order will be granted.
An action is unlawful if it is ill-intentioned, a shady use of authority, done for insignificant or foreign reasons, or if the detaining authority does not apply its mind. In the case law Abdul Latif Mirza vs. Bangladesh, the detention period ordered by the Deputy Commissioner expired and a new detention order issued by the government was served on the detainee two days later, while the detention was declared unlawful for the subsequent two days.
Que Warranto
Quo-Warranto is a writ issued by the High Court that confirms a person’s title to an office, evicting any unlawful occupants. When an individual illegally holds a law-created public office, the High Court may, by issuing quo-warranto, require the individual to demonstrate on what authority he holds the office and prohibit him from holding it in the future.
Article 102 (2)(b)(ii) of the Bangladeshi Constitution of 1972 grants the High Court Division the authority to issue quo warranto orders. A person holding or claiming to hold a government office may be required to demonstrate the authority under which he claims to hold that office.
If there is a request for the same item and no other similarly effective legislative solution exists, this document may be issued. As with habeas corpus, it should be noted that an aggrieved individual is not required to file a quo-warranato petition. Unlike habeas corpus, however, the former is discretionary despite its obligatory nature.
It grants the judiciary the jurisdiction and authority to monitor executive action in matters of appointing government officers against the applicable statutory provisions.
A person will be found to hold a public office without legal authority if he is ineligible to hold the office or if certain mandatory provisions of the law were violated when he was appointed or entered office. Additionally, the quo-warranto prevents a citizen from being denied a public office to which he is entitled.
Are you planning to do a writ or looking for criminal and civil remedies in Bangladesh?
Tahmidur Rahman Remura Wahid TRW is a full-service law firm that has been dealing with Writ-related problems on a regular basis since its inception through its qualified and experienced lawyers.
If you require any assistance or consultation, please visit our office or contact us at +8801779127165 or +8801847220062 (WhatsApp) or by email- info@trfirm.com.
E-mail: info@trfirm.com Phone: +8801847220062 or +8801779127165 or +8801708080817
Address: House 410, Road 29, Mohakhali DOHS, Dhaka 1206
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